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1 h
350 Indian rupees
Sompura Gate

Service Description

You won't have to shave every few days and much less sport the awful-looking growth you get with the razor. The procedure will be quick and cost-efficient, considering the time hair takes to grow back and be waxable again (four to eight weeks according to your individual hair growth). Waxed half legs provide a sleek look for people whose body image needs to be flawless (like models) or need their bodies to be more aerodynamic (like swimmers). Waxed half legs also make it more hygienic for trainers or people who regularly exercise. Clothes feel better after removing your arm hair if you have a lot. Hairless half legs are more convenient for moisturizing, exfoliating, and overall skincare

Contact Details

  • Urban Beauty Lounge, Gate, Sompura, Karnataka, India

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